References: Links

These links are referenced in and Happy:

      1. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
      2. Dr. West’s Biologic Dentistry Website
      3. Dr. West’s Treating Sleep Apnea Website
      4. Steven Jobs Commencement Address
      5. Curbing Calories Slows Aging
      6. WebMD: Gum Disease and Heart Disease and Arthritis  
      7. Dr. Axe on pH
      8. Acid and Alkaline Food Chart
      9. Dr. Axe on Vitamin B-1
      10. Dr. Sinatra and C0-Q-10 (
      11. Dr. Mark Hyman: Why You Need to Take Supplements
      12. Benefits of Doing Crunches
      13. Dr. Mark Rosenberg: Decrease Stress and Strengthen Your Heart with Squats
      14. Vitruvian Man Explained
      15. Washington Crossing the Delaware
      16. Calm App
      17. Vellum Book Creation Software
      18. Tim Conway at the dentist
      19. IABDM
      20. HBOT
      21. Vortex Crystalline Water
      22. Apollo Neuro